Common Ground Theatre is sustained financially by donations from board members, individual donations, the sale of tickets for productions, governmental organizations, foundations, and institutions. Like many other arts organizations, Common Ground Theatre constantly struggles economically, but is proud to have survived for over 56 years as one of the oldest African American Theatre companies in the United States. The greatest challenges financially are:
Keeping the theatre in operation while creating a predictable stream of financial support;
Raising funds to finance the kind of high quality productions that fulfill the mission of Common Ground Theatre
Raising funds to enable payments of stipends to the creative team, actors, and crew; and
Developing a predictable corps of patrons and supporters to broaden audiences and increase ticket sales.
To learn more about how to audition or volunteer call (619) 408-0592. Common Ground Theatre is a 501c3 non-profit arts and cultural organization. The Federal non-profit Tax ID number is 95- 6111825.
Your tax-deductible annual Membership donation will help sustain Common Ground's operating costs including our STARS arts education program for youth and our marketing and administration expenses. Please select from our Membership Levels shown below. Receiving benefits will result in a slight decrease in the tax-deductible amount. As a respected donor, you have the option waive all benefits for a full tax deduction.
Matching Gifts
Many businesses match the charitable contributions of their employees to nonprofit organizations such as common Ground Theatre. These matches may be dollar-for-dollar or even greater! When your employer matches your contribution, you will receive the membership benefits for the total amount of the combined gift. If your employer offers matching gifts please request a matching gift form. If you have any questions, or need assistance, please call our Development Director at (619) 408-0592.
Investment in Common Ground Theatre makes good business sense. CGT corporate sponsorships provide recognition as valuable contributors to San Diego’s cultural life, high public visibility, and corporate branding through sponsorship promotions. CGT individual sponsorships are a meaningful way to honor a loved one, or simply to show your family’s support of the theatre! Sponsorship opportunities include:
Programs & Events
Season Sponsorships
STARS Scholarships
Performance Sponsorships
Capital Campaigns
VIP Events and Receptions
Benefits for program and event sponsors include:
-Complimentary prime seating to sponsored performance(s)
-Recognition as season/performance/program sponsor in all print advertising and promotional materials
-Logo and link included in e-mail blasts announcing upcoming shows and late-breaking news (over 3,000 recipients per year)
-Branding on Common Ground Theatre website with links to company page
-Beautiful private hospitality spaces for corporate entertaining on sponsored performance dates
-Sponsor credit on the Common Ground Theatre Banner
-Lobby space for display of marketing material and product sampling/distribution
-Many other benefits that can be tailored to meet the needs of your company